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Monday 7 October 2019

Lips to Ears - (3231)


This post is a brief collection of the pearls of wisdom that one learns by word of mouth, only. These pearls are not written down anywhere (except for now).

This post will be worked on over about a week, so check it out over the week if you remember (hopefully you will forget about it), however if I get a jolt I'll stop writing, because maybe some of these things should not really be published. They should remain as they were lips to ears.

Indeed some of things will send the minds of some people into a spin, so definitely I can not write those things.

Lips to Ears

At each stage there is negotiation with one's karma. Various karmic adjustments are made, the scale tips and tilts. One has to knock upon each door and ask for entry, even fight (negotiate) for passage.

Casual "I's" do not die but with negotiations, initially based upon taking responsibility before the Law for the causes of such an "I".

The Divine Law respects persistence and constancy.

Master Samael: "work today as if it were your last day".

Master Samael: "a dose of craziness is needed for the work."

There exists a method of accurate divination through which one can obtain an immediate yes or no answer. I am not going to reveal it so don't ask!

The Viparita Karani Mudra is very effective to negotiate with the Law and pay karma.

There exists a powerful pact with the Law that in matters of life and death can tip the scales in our favour. I am not going to reveal it so don't ask!

Master Samael: "If one looks at his wife naked from toes to crown one must not feel an atom of desire".

Master Samael: "One transmutes and takes from the Typhon and fills one's chalice. Later He will provoke and explosion of anger and He takes back what was taken from Him."

We prepare our own future tests.

Deep within the subconscious nature of the woman is the desire to cause the man to fail. The woman, slowly in time procures to control the man.

The motherly instinct of the woman can at certain moments prove to be somewhat of a hindrance in her own work and in the work of her husband.

One must truly if one wants his or her self-realization stake all for it.

You really really have to believe that your Divine Mother will dissolve the ego. And She WILL!

After the Third Mountain one works on the residues of the ego just as one worked on the ego in first chamber. The method of the work does not change.

The karma from the past is more important than the karma from this life.

There is a special practice with the Third Logos that is done in the Alchemy to magically make the relationship between the couple stronger.

There will come a moment in your path where you will feel the weight of your ties and you will know that they have to be cut.

There is a place in the body to which we can channel our sexual energy to, and from that point in the body the channel energy can be projected to take a real tangible effect in the physical world.

If you don't want to suffer go beyond good and evil.

Don't make any decisions while in pain.

Just hold on and wait before you write or say anything when you are upset.

Put all that you want to do beforehand in the hands of the Being and the Law. Do you want to organise a retreat put it in the hands of the Being and the Law.

If you want to see someone ask your Intimate to arrange the meeting. It will then be amicable.

Before you travel ask the Law for protection.

If you have a problem with a fellow Gnostic missionary petition the Pretor of the G.C internally.

If you have difficulties with a person invoke their Monad.

My Divine Mother and your Divine Mother do not have any problems. They are both in harmony.

When having to chose between authority and service. Chose service.

Play it smart. Renounce powers...

You will never be curious about what it feels like to lose the energy in the practice of Alchemy!

If you have the certainty that the path will cost your life - go ahead!

Don't leave the work as it will create a powerful recurrence!

Teach what you know before you die.

Put any potential future problems in the hands of the Law.

to be continued...

End (3231).


  1. How is that the Law views V.K.M differently to any other transmutation practice ? whats so special about it ?

  2. Partly because of the difficult nature of it. To put one self in this posture for an hour or more is a sacrifice. And intentional sacrifice pays. Other types of sacrifice will also pay. This posture is also very esoteric. It signifies the transfer of the sun in the solar plexus to the brain. Obviously with such a change effected one is different - more able to not fall into karmic debt. Master Samael also used this posture to pay a certain karmic debt.

  3. Where is the continuation of this post?

  4. Oops still to be written. I have the original in my notebook. Maybe I should post the photos at least of my notes.

    1. Yes, please do. I will be waiting for it.
