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Monday 7 October 2019

Questions that Change Your Life - (3230)

The Power of a Question

The power of a question is not to be underestimated...

It could well save your life... How many times has this happened? Perhaps too many to count.

Many times a question indicates how alert and concentrated one is or how alert and unfocused one is...

Much is reflected in what a person asks...

Both the ego and the essence ask...

The age old question: asking for someone's 'hand in marriage' is one question that changes your life... 

Some amazing discourses and lectures have been inspired by a question.

Thanks to people asking Master Samael questions we have some precious pearls of wisdom transcribed into books like the "El Quinto Evangelio". 

Also on the other hand we have missed out on some really precious wisdom due to a lack of people asking questions...

Asked Internally

The power of a question can be well exploited when we ask within.

When we esquire into our essence and what is deep within it.

Our awakening and our psychological work is based around many questions.

Some questions asked so honestly have the definite power to activate the essence and charge the essence with seeking an answer and this quest can last many years.

The following are some questions that when asked earnestly within have real power of transformation.

Some Powerful Questions

Who am I?

A powerful question straight to the essence and if an answer is earnestly sought it has the the power to break identification with the "I".

What do I really Want?

Powerful to contact the essence, to find out from our essence what value from it is due to be in play in any given situation.

Is it True? Is it absolutely true?

Very powerful when asked directly about our thoughts. Nearly all of our egoistic thoughts are not true!

What am I doing?

Powerful o break identification when acting with the ego or about to act with the ego.

What does the Work Say?

When in temptation or in doubt this question is cuts through the fog and reveals the clear way for us to decide.

Will this help my Inner Being and my Work?

Powerful to put things into perspective and prioritize things in our life because we are defined to work for our inner Being. If we are not too defined this question is a pain...

Do I want to be Free or Right?

Powerful to set us free from self-love and pride when pride or self-love are feeling the pain.

More to come...

End (3230).

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