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Tuesday 1 October 2019

Subconscious Links: How to Dissolve - Post 12 - (3219)

The general principle involved is exposure to the light and exposure to the Fire of the Divine Mother which is also a form of light.

In other words this means to bring the processes of our subconscious into the light of our common sense, into the light of reality and into the light of our consciousness (where our consciousness naturally will perceive whats wrong, absurd, untrue and illogical). 

The most important step is to bring out into the light. The less light they receive the stronger and more persistent they become.

We can't deceive ourselves thinking we are better than that or that we can ignore them or that it is too hard etc. etc. Because that is more subconscious.

Connect the subconscious to reality and see how unrealistic it is and how unbalanced it is, how at odds with the way things are, how illogical, how out of place and how painful. This is the real nature of the subconscious and when we expose our subconscious tot he light this nature will show itself.

This is a very important step as immediately we will be able to produce some separation from it and create the resolution within ourselves to dissolve it.

As well as exposure tot eh light we need force or will to enforce the light on the subconscious. The subconscious is strong because it has been enforced We need to enforce the light to make the subconscious structures to crumble within ourselves.

End (3219).

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