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Tuesday 1 October 2019

Subconscious Links: True Nature - Post 11 - (3218)

The core of the issue is that we do not really progress in dissolving these subconscious links until we see for ourselves their true nature.

We don't dissolve them because we think that they are harmless or useful or somehow an extension of kindness.

Really their nature is not any of these things.

They are things that usually a person does not really want. The result of subconscious links are usually not very beneficial to us.

Their true nature is like that of an exaggeration, of something misplaced. Mainly misplaced because  things are correctly directed and situated within ourselves.

These things that I am referring to are qualities of the essence. Such as respect for example. When our respect is not directed and placed in the right cradle within ourselves we either disrespect others or pine for or demand respect from others. So then we can create a subconscious link with others where there is a subconscious agreement to feed each others need for respect.

The same is said for love, affection and of course: sexuality and the 'needs' or 'lacks' we create by not putting sexuality into the correct cradle within ourselves.

The 'cradle' that I mention here is the result of a lot of conscious work, that is working for yourself the right way in which a quality is to be used and understanding solidly why this is. This is part of the mysteries of our own essence and its qualities that we have to unravel while we are alive and in creation.

You know what makes a relationship really awful is these subconscious links and subconscious agreements.

These agreements get fed and then one they stop being fed and all hell breaks lose within ourselves.

The best way, which is the way of light and where there is light there is minimal suffering, is to establish conscious relationships and conscious agreements, communication and plans etc.

End (3218).

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