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Saturday 9 November 2019

Poles of Uranus Perhaps Now Favour Women - (3289)

Master Samael says that the planet Uranus is related to human sexuality. Particularly the two facets - masculine naf feminine.

At one point in time one of the poles of Uranus will be facing the sun. It so happens he explains that when the positive pole faces the sun, men receive certain forces that tend to make them more dominant. When the situation changes and the oppsoite pole faces the sun, women tend to be more dominant.

Master Samael never specified when the poles change, so that we could work out when men will be more dominant and when women will. All he said was that one pole faces the sun for 42 years and vice versa.

Master Samael says that the sexual cycle of the human being is 84 years which is twice 42. Which is almost about the average life expentancy of a human being as well these days.

In this post I am daring to put my opinion forward to say that it certainly seems that women have been receiving a new kind of force that was not present some decades ago. This influence, I see is contributing to make them more and more equal and in some areas leaders.

More and more though these days things are more and more mixed less and less as clearly defined as in previous times. So when the esoteric principles act over humanity instead of producing exact clearly defined moulds tendencies are produced are instead.

So we can't expect this to be exactly true black and white, with women having total dominance but a strong tendency instead for women to be dominant.

End (3289).

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