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Friday 8 November 2019

Transmute a Haka - (3288)

A Haka is a very scary and very moving - emotive thing all at the same time.

I feel it is emotive and moving because it excites courage, valour, honour all those almost now a days extinct values. Especially if done at a funeral or a wedding, a Haka is very moving because you see in those doing the Haka their intensity and sincerity coming through in a kind of very fierce love, plus the guys who do the Haka really give it their all - they really integrate whole heartedly into what they are doing and that in anyone is always an inspiration.

So it is actually pretty awkward to watch one - well that is my experience. You feel scared and then you feel you are going to cry because of the emotion and in the end you don't know what to do with all your arising emotion. So you just try to hide it and feel stupid for doing so. 

Well the best I find is to smile and just breathe in deep and feel the intensity of those powerful emotions rise, and send them upwards within your interior space thinking of your inner Being.

Understanding that, in Him, in the Being is so many of those wonderful values like courage, valour, honesty, justice, loyalty, the warrior heart that will lance all at what it knows to be just etc.etc.

(That way is best because you honour the Haka and the efforts that are being made and you feel it -and you don't reject it either by pretending to be tough and unmoved by it. The reality is one of those guys doing the Haka would squash me flat in a few seconds so forget the fake straight face false toughness. Learning this is also helpful on how to take sincere congratulations for anything.)

End (3288).  

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