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Thursday 19 December 2019

How the Abyss Breaks Down the Ego - (3342)

We know that if the essence does not voluntarily dissolve its egoic conditioning, nature will do it.

The question is how?

The human being has ample opportunity to create new egos and strengthen existing egos. Life is not geared up to dissolve the "I's" a human being has.

As an animal, plant or mineral - such a life severely restricts the freedom of the ego. With some of our egos being in a tree there is little an ego can do to manifest and feed itself - in other words - strengthen itself. Imagine when our egos are inside of a mineral - even more restrictions.

In time the ego atrophies (starves), because it does not have the opportunity to strengthen itself.

That is why it takes such a long time to travel through the process of involution.

There is also a point that the egos when they are not in the physical body of an animal, plant or mineral they are alive internally and there they can manifest to satiation. Once satiated the essence inside of the ego finally learns - that its conditioning is all but pain and leads no where, and that helps a lot in the dissolution. 

End (3342).

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