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Thursday 19 December 2019

The Essence is Tired of Transmigrating - (3341)

Travelling - Living Out of a Suitcase from Hotel to Hotel

The essence of each one of us is currently travelling.

It is away from home. Away from its point of origin and away from an authentic place to rest.

After having travelled so much, and through the experience of travelling with all its stresses and pressures, the essence is tired...

The essence deep down yearns for a rest, an authentic and real place to rest its weary head. And to just rest with no regrets.

The only resting place is within the highest spaces of our inner Divinity with our inner Divinity having submerged itself into That which Is (Absolute).

So in short our essence deep down yearns to break free from the wheel of Samsara where there is only travelling and turning. 

End (3334).

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