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Wednesday 18 December 2019

Lower the Resistance About Getting it Wrong - (3332)

Be happy to get things wrong. Because, the next step will be to get things right.

Getting things wrong, is a temporary state.

Even if you get scolded for getting things wrong - that too is temporary.

If you get grilled, that's good, the next step will definitely be the step that you get right.

Let the state of being wrong pass under the bridge quickly. It is really good to not feel scared of getting it wrong.

The focus is on the learning and what comes from the learning is knowledge of the balance.

To find balance we have to know both sides - the wrong and the right.

Pride hates to be wrong and get things wrong. But we have to be realistic with ourselves. We need to get things (mainly minor things) wrong. 

We have so much to learn and it is unrealistic (too much silly pride) to expect that we get everything right. 

In conclusion try our best to get things right, and don;t be surprised that we get something wrong and don't be upset that we got it wrong. Rather be happy because the next step is to get it right - which means lesson learned.

End (3332).

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