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Monday 30 December 2019

The Mathematics of Values Sail Through - (3352)

Say you make an effort to see someone and take them somewhere for dinner. You do it with good will and you have their benefit in mind and heart. Yet that person is thinking and feeling negatively towards you and the outing.

We have all been there right...

If we keep our psychology and conduct in check, then the value of our effort and the sincerity of our good will, will magically behind the scenes transform the person and the atmosphere of the event. 

This may happen during the outing or afterwards, but it will happen.

This is because even human interactions obey the law of mathematical values.

If it does not happen then of course our effort was not wasted as it paid something in our favour. So that next time, there will be less to pay and things will be different. Or you get home and nice surprise is waiting for you - there's your effort and good will returned through a channel that has good will towards you.

End (3352).

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