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Monday 30 December 2019

Outlook to 2020 - (3353)

2020 is Four

Four representing a certain living principle is usually a force that brings about outcomes. Mostly outcomes that are favourable. Favourable to the extent that it settles things down for a while or for a good while. 

Four is a stabilizing number it the number that completes the journey. It is the three forces that create plus what they create - the created. 

It is the Holy Four - Tetragrammaton. The Absolute plus its three regions.

There are the four seasons, the four columns, the four elements, the four Kabirs, the four tetra-sustainers of which the famous Archangel Sakaki is one, the four states of consciousness, the four states of matter, the four ages (Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron), the four Yugas, the four cardinal points, the four gospels, etc.

Anyhow the force of 2020 could imply the impulse to work towards solving things and settling things down. See if it takes place in the unfolding of the year which you will live. 

End (3353).


  1. I'm curious about the four Kabirs - I can only come up with one.

  2. Jesus is one, the other ones are I don't really know by name but there are four in total.
