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Wednesday 8 January 2020

Notes on What to do with Evil - (3360)


I think that a Gnostic student should have for his or her own comprehension - this theme of evil rather clear, for various reasons that I hope to convey in this post.

When it comes down to it, every person in order to navigate through life has to have some idea of evil, furthermore, even if we think we should not ever have to come across it, we all have had or will have some kind of confrontation with it. The question of what to do with it, how to deal with it, how to cope with it, etc. will always be there...

Something that is true, amongst human beings, is that there does not exist an absolute sense of evil.

Here is a great truth: evil is relative, just as is good.

Both good and evil exist together and form as well as fill a circle, a cycle, a unit. Good and evil complete a circle or a whole. Just as in the ying and yang symbol where both ying and yang complete and fill the circle or a whole.

In any given event both good and evil are present, however the degree to which good or evil is seen depends on the point of view of the observer.

So here are some essential points to do with evil presented in the form of questions.

Just to be clear I am not advocating evil nor supporting it.

What Do You Do With Evil?

This question touches the core of the issue and is most relevant to us as a human being here on Earth.

So many people think that it is best to fight evil, even eradicate it.

To eradicate evil on Earth is a job that does not pertain to us. It rather pertains to the Divine Law - that is the Divine hierarchies far above us. We can of course eradicate it within ourselves and we can stop it or thwart it to some extent but to eradicate it completely is something else.

What we can do though, in relation to the evil outside of us and inside of us, is to use evil. Refer to the following post to read a bit more about this.

Post about what to do with evil.

Anyone who works on the ego uses evil. Isn't it the case that when the ego manifests we use that to work on ourselves to transform the darkness into light.

How Do You Learn About Evil

To know how to do good consciously one must know about evil.

To do the good consciously one needs to know the good in the bad and the bad in the good.

By knowing evil one can avoid it. Not knowing evil is how we can fall into it, furthermore the more we reject evil the more we also fall into it. The question is how to know evil.

The best way to know evil is by liberating ourselves from it, or transcending it by dissolving it within ourselves.

Read the following post to understand why we work to transcend evil.

Post on why to transcend evil.

The wisest person to talk to is not the active criminal, or the saint, eventhough they could impart some valuable lessons and pearls of wisdom but the one who was a criminal and worked on him or herself and dissolved the criminal is the wisest one as they know the good in the bad and the bad in the good.

Is the knowledge of high magic possible without the knowledge of low magic? No, because without that knowledge one can convert out of ignorance or naivety white into black.

How Do You Good?

Note, the order of the work is to dissolve the bad "I's" that we have then the good "I's". This means to first stop doing the bad, and then with the elimination of the bad and the arising of more consciousness we can much easily do the good. Because the consciousness will show us how to do good.

One obstacle to being balanced or conscious in an event is that we feel we are not doing good. If we have previously studied and comprehended the bad we will know that we are not being bad!

Can a person do evil if they do not have the ego?

The answer is relatively yes. From our point of view but not from their point of view. Remember evil is relative. The border of good and evil within a person is their Being not the point of view of others.

You know something that we can not compensate evil with good. Unfortunately it must be compensated for with evil, with justice as the limit.

Is Evil Part Of The Absolute?

Does the Absolute not encompass everything? Does not good and evil entwine in the eternal now within the absolute.


Master Samael came to the Earth to learn diplomacy. One can only really learn diplomacy amongst evil. If all is above good and evil there is no need to navigate cunningly between two opposite sides, because one is not on the battle ground of opposite sides, one is above the battle ground.

Diplomacy is the art of pleasing one side without displeasing the other...

To learn diplomacy, there has to be both sides and here on Earth there is heaps of evil and heaps of both sides. In the abyss and here on Earth are the training grounds for diplomacy.

End (3360).

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