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Sunday 2 February 2020

Alchemy Before Marriage Living Apart - Mate that's your Lust! - (3408)


Disclaimer! This post has not been written for anyone in particular! I am not sending anyone a covert message.

This theme comes up quite often actually. A bit controversial. 

More often than not, the Gnostic view is taken as old fashioned, over strict and moralistic.

The Gnostic view does not partake of these three qualities above, but rather is an esoteric view point. That is a view point based on esoteric or spiritual principles that are easily overlooked.

The typical occurrence goes like this. There is a couple, they are not married and don't live together either. The man at one points says that he would like to practice the Alchemy. In the realm of human liberties, human rights and freedom, if the lady agrees then they can do it. No one can stop them. 

However, the question remains, is that decision in alignment with the principles (esoteric - not seen) that govern the so hoped for results of the Alchemy? (For the answer read on).

Well that is what this post is about. 

Will Such an Alchemy be Fruitful?

Hmmm doubt it mate!

Ok maybe bad news but read on at least to understand why!

The results speak for themselves, look at all those whom the Being in them has reached some level of self-realisation. They were or are all married, living as formally married couples.

Why Not Successful then Smarty Pants?

You think Alchemy is just the sexual connection plus transmutation don't you! Very wrong it is much more!  

For a man to say; "lets' practice Alchemy" and have his life separate is indeed against the unity principles of the alchemy. 

We practice Alchemy and many unions on many levels take place. The union of body, feeling, mind, will, essence and spirit take place. 

For this union on many levels to remain cohesive and together it makes sense that living life together keeps that union on the many levels intact. It also makes sense that living life together these unions can unfold more and be cultivated.

It does not make sense that one would unite so completely - transmutation unites the two right down to the essence Being level - two Monads activate and work together and not share their lives together.

In the alchemy a certain magnetism occurs and the Alchemical couple form for themselves a Hermetic flask. Obviously sharing life together this magnetism and hermetic flask does not suffer and is further strengthened.

This ensures the success of the Alchemy. The consistency on all levels and planes and the cohesion of the magnetism and the completeness of the Hermetic flask of the couple.

The rite of marriage also has the magical function of banishing certain "I's" of lust, selfishness and others that can ruin totally an Alchemical union and its work.

Lust and Selfishness - Have to be Blind to Not See That

Lust is the mover and shaker behind such an initiative. Lust is always there trying to side step the principles. It is impatient and it materialistic. It does not see the holistic view, and the spiritual side. 

Of course there is also a lot of selfishness involved as well. That is easy to see. These two egos are highly inconvenient for any spiritual enterprise. The Alchemy is a spiritual practice!!!

What has the wrong foundation, sooner or later topples. In this case where the foundation is lust and selfishness - this enterprise will topple over and crash. 

Plus just thinking, if a man is so lustful and selfish, who can guarantee he will be able to hold the Alchemy together. With all that sexual force accumulated and not channeled well, because he is very lustful, he could just easily get fascinated by someone else and off he goes with that someone else, no worries he has no formal commitment, and after all, his very cunning subconscious orchestrated that in the first place, leaving the door open for that... 

But In Egypt the Initiates were Not Married - the Vestal Virgins

Not the same times and we are not consecrated and dedicated living in the temples are we?

In the temples all were united in the work and they were sharing their life in the work.

End (3408).

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