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Sunday 2 February 2020

Ways of Self-Deception - (3407)


Master Samael says that in the ancient times those admitted into the mysteries were foremost taught all the ways of deceiving oneself, with the purpose that they would not later fall into any form of self-deception.

It certainly merits I believe to study self-deception and work on it eliminating the possibility from within ourselves.

Deceptive Arts

Self-deception is much worse than deception. Us deceiving ourselves is worse than someone deceive us.

There are many ways of self-deception.

In the end, self-deception is what 'shoots ourselves in the foot".

Self-deception as is deception, is always about not seeing the truth - not seeing the reality of things.

For there to be deception or self-deception there has to be someone, some force, some power, some intelligence malign or otherwise that orchestrates the deception.

Within us, it is easy, this deceiving power, is our mind, any ego, our subconscious and the kundabuffer.

What deceives us are mistaken reasoning and mistaken perceptions.

All that is closet to the truth avoids deception or self-deception.

A balanced vision is one that is certainly not deceived. While an unbalanced vision or perspective is making us to see only one side is what deceives us, thinking we have seen both sides when we have only seen one.

The may fantasies that we have are elements of self-deception.

We have to constantly keep close the truth and reality to see and see the real.

We get identified due to self-deception. When we stop seeing the ego as an ego and see it as the whole and authentic us we have been deceived.

We are deceived by the logic of the ego - believing it is the way things really are and that the reasons the ego presents are real and infallible reasons.

End (3407).

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