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Monday 24 February 2020

Distraction is Regretful - (3451)

Ah we regret having been distracted like nearly 100% of the time. Right?

What did the boss tell me to do again?

Ah my instructor just said something really important, the key to understand this and that, but what was it again?

We get yelled at: "You don't listen. Listen to me!".

The list goes on...

In short distraction seems to be the cause of so much calamity,. strife, accident, misfortunes and problems.

Seeing this I reckon that it is worth working to eliminate it from our own lives.

To do this requires some psychological work, will of course and a degree of mastery over our conscious attention.

It makes sense that so many things happen to us when distracted because our consciousness is not there.

We get distracted by egos of course - hence the need for psychological work.

Sometimes people believe they need distraction. Have to have it they say, otherwise life is too hard, dry, sterile, no fun, no enjoyment no relaxation etc.

We can replace 'needing distraction' with mindful restful, agreeable, fun, enjoying etc. activity. Which in other words is undistracted relaxing activity. This is a huge achievement to do this. People watch a movie but lose awareness and get filled with inferior emotions and waste energy instead of relaxing.

Well any way this is huge work in progress that we arrive at gradually. But still worth working towards.

End (3451).

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