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Tuesday 25 February 2020

Ophidiophobia Just Like Indiana Jones - (3450)

What the ?

Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes.

Just Like Indiana Jones

Remember Indiana Jones in the first movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" - when he has to descend into that Egyptian crypt full of snakes, and he says "Snakes! Why does it have to be Snakes!".

Ophidiophobia is what Indiana Jones has and nearly everyone else out there (except for those strange snake collectors, keepers and lovers) have. But of course in varying degrees.

Well there is actually something very esoteric behind this phobia or fear of snakes.

Esoteric Origin

Snakes deeply within our subconscious remind us of a tremendous power. Some sort of power, the power to deal out death or some pother potency of nature that is beyond our handling of thought. In the light of esotericism we would call this potency Kundalini.

In us the Kundalini is the supreme power. The central occult and potential energy of our occult anatomy.

The Kundalin or Divine Mother has to do with death, birth, the power of sex and the terrifying power of entering into and connecting to the mysteries. Also we know deep within ourselves that the fall was processed against sex.

A snake seems so strange, mysterious, and often we can associate it with death. As so many snakes are fatally venomous. Yet interestingly every snake knows about transformation and renewal as they shed their skin periodically renewing themselves.

A lion is scary, but not as scary as a snake. At least a lion gives you a big hug before we say our final goodbye to the world. But a snake, cold and efficient all dedicated to the strike, having a body like a spear doesn't give you a hug or anything. Just wack!


I actually had this fear. I say had because having begun to work on it, it is no way as strong as it use to be. I don't mind spiders or cockroaches or rats or mice or things like that but snakes would always grip something instinctive, visceral beyond my control.

The general key for fear is that after working on fear, as soon as we feel enthusiasm to meet what we fear, the battle over fear has been won.

When the real life situation appears fear has already been psychologically defeated and there is only one small step which is to defeat it in action.

The first key to work on phobias is to get information. to study what we fear. Studying introduces us to the reality and breaks the many wrong concepts and beliefs that we have.

So, as the first port of call study up about snakes and that may be sufficient to rid you of this fear. Of course esoterically, the closer we draw to our Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti as the fiery divine viper within us we will fear less.

So how about you are you scared of snakes?

End (3450).

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