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Thursday 20 February 2020

'Honesty to Transmutation' Enchants the Serpent - (3446)

I prefer to call chastity 'honesty to transmutation'. It is a little more descriptive. Chastity when speaking to others conjures up images of celibacy and medieval knights etc.

Honesty to transmutation is not only when one transmutes but in every area of life. Watching over our thoughts, feelings, actions and words. 

The work of being honest to transmutation is generally to be not wasting our energies and to be transforming the egoic, the dark, the grey into light, understanding and consciousness.

One thing for sure is that chastity or 'honesty to transmutation' draws you closer to the Divine Mother specially that aspect of the Divine Mother as Kundalini - even if the Kundalini is not awake.

It really helps us to concentrate on Her, to imagine Her and it gives us force when we pray to Her asking for the dissolution of any ego.

End (3446).


  1. We were talking about this recently in our class - that the term "chastity" doesn't do justice to the awesome effect and experience it brings. We tried out "cosmic purity" and "transcendentally sealed" but I like "honesty to transmutation" too!

    1. Another really good one that I have heard is sexual purity for chastity. That is quite descriptive and straight away you know what you have to do.
