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Thursday 20 February 2020

Steps Towards an Esoteric Goal - (3445)

We all have in mind some esoteric goals. 

We may have tried and gotten no where. This is the common experience.

It is like we have the goal of doing a pull-up and when we try it is so hard, it hurts doing it and we ache for days afterwards and don't feel motivated to try again.

The method of just trying to do a pull-up until you get it is not really a good method. It may work but it is the slow and hard way.

It is better to do other kinds of exercises that one can really do so to build up the strength to be able to do a quarter of a pull up, then keep going until you can do half of one then later a full one (pull-up).

The same with esoteric goals. 

Just trying the astral night after night may not work. We have to break it down. Break it down into developing concentration, break it down in quietening the mind, break it down to being all positive emotion, break it down into weakening fear, break it down into developing the heart chakra then try the astral.

End (3445).


  1. This is awesome advice. Thank you for this. All the sub-goals you mentioned (concentration, quietening the mind, positive emotion) are all their own reward anyway! Thank you for this blog, it's really helpful.

  2. Thank you too. Very true they are their own reward for sure.I'll keep the posts rolling for you.
