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Thursday 20 February 2020

Ida and Pingala Tips - (3437)

Here are some interesting notes to do with Ida and Pingala.

The major nadi in our occult anatomy is the sushumna. However, the two other very important nadi are Ida and Pingala.

These two channels or energy pathways are connected to our sexual centre and nostrils. They interact or meet the sushumna at three places.

The sexual energy we have polarises into two currents when we transmute. It polarises into solar and lunar currents. 

Ida carries the Lunar current and Pingala carries the solar current.

Pingala is agitating and active, while Ida is relaxing and soothing.

The yogis in their tradition say that typically only one nadi is active and they change every two hours.

They say that before an event if Pingala is active the outcome will be positive.

They say that when a child is being conceived if Pingala is active in both parents the child will be a boy and if ida is active in both parents the child will be a girl. If the currents are mixed then the outcome could be either a boy or girl.

They say that the outcome of events can be predicted by finding out which one is active. If it is Pingala the result will be positive for us.

When we transmute we balance both ida and pingala.

Prana yama cleans them out. When they are blocked we can not meditate well or concentrate.

Pingala is related to digestion and ida to the nourishment of the body.

When both are balanced we are most lucid.

I read also that Pingala is related to the right side f the Sympathetic nervous system and Ida is related to the left side of the Sympathetic nervous system. This makes some sense. 

End (3437).

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