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Thursday 6 February 2020

Relaters in the Web of Life - (3418)

Life is a huge web we are all interconnected. So it makes sense that we are all links that make up that web. 

Our main function in being part of that web is to relate.

Life is so much about relationships. The design of the Absolute - 'the multiplicity in the unity' shows that we are here to relate, and not only while on Earth but beyond.

so this is our primordial nature and the better we relate the closer we come to that primordial nature. Of course as always the many egos that a person has stops us from relating well. Pride being the worst offender. 

Every relationship has a function - a particular main function. When we get that function wrong then we start to relate wrongly with others and the relationship suffers until the right function and the right way of applying it is found.

Working on how to relate well to everyone at every moment is something very difficult. It is something that really challenges the many egos that we have and if we take it with work it can facilitate some deep work that is very rewarding.

End (3418).

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