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Thursday 6 February 2020

Photo Burn False Self-Image Separation - (3419)

Here is a didactic to separate our self-image.

Imagine a nice photo of you. I then burn it, and stomp on the ashes.

Be honest what do you feel? Hurt? Offended? Disgusted? Disappointed? Confused? Angered? Attacked? Disgraced?...

The reality, your body is perfectly fine and you, the real you, is there in your body as consciousness streaming from moment to moment. That real you is unscathed and has no idea of the hurt from burning your photo.

Yet something in you hurts, is angered, is confused, is dismayed, is offended etc.

That is the false you that is hurting.

The false you is something that you created and frankly you love and you think is really you. That is why it hurts.

What about if we go to the real you and separate that image of you. It should hurt less because we know that the real you here in your essence does not hurt.

That false image being hit hurts because we are sentimental about it, we believe it is us and we love it. We are actually attached to it.

We get attached to something when it provides us with something - like good comfortable feelings. These good comfortable feelings come from fantasy. That is why false self-image and fantasy are inseparable.

End (3419).

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