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Thursday 6 February 2020

Self-Confidence as Can be Seen from within Gnosis - (3391)

Self-confidence does exist. We usually smirk when someone in life says we need self-confidence, thinking that it is something superficial that performers, managers, politicians etc. use.

It is something based on self-respect. Respect for oneself as an essence, respecting that essence as a real presence, as a real spark of the Divine with very real powers of Being and creating.

All in all it is based in real self-knowledge and accepting ones reality.

When one does not respect oneself and one has not accepted their own reality they are not at peace, and they feel awkward and embarrassed because they are being something that they can not be and deep down they know it.

To be what you are no matter what, is to respect oneself. But before we can be what we are we have to accept what we are. To accept what we are we need to really know what we are.

But if we want we can change our reality. But before we can change it, we have to accept what we are.

Of course there is also trust in self-confidence. Trust in the great reality and laws of life, trust in our work, trust in our essence, trust in our Real Being. The trust we have in these things form a base for self-confidence.

End (3391).

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