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Wednesday 11 March 2020

A Fierce Whip Cracker: What do you Expect from a Dead Man? - (3488)

Lately m.m.m is cracking the whip of death. "Die quickly", "Die in the ego, dissolve it quickly" he says. And why not, the more dead a person is in their egos the better and why not arrive at that internal peace quicker.

What more can we expect from a 'living dead man'? Having no ego anyone would naturally want that others get rid of theirs too.

While that whip is cracking, it is good for our work I believe to ride that wave. 

There are many small circumstances that of the egos we are working on that we can take advantage of to die. 

To sincerely know (essence and will together) that you don't want that ego and to sincerely not see a use for it in that circumstance is by far enough criteria, to ask the divine Mother to deal it death.

End (3488).


  1. I feel I want to die but I'm so early on the path. Is it still possible to truly die in myself at this point? My defects bother me greatly yet I feel I become identified with them soon after a KRIM practice.

  2. Just keep at it! Don;t give up. I think you are making some good steps forward. The fact that you want ot die in your defects and that you feel that they bother you you have the main impetus that will keep you prtacticing until you get the egos you are working on a bit weaker so that it will be easier for you to not get identified with them so easily. That happens to everyone.
