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Thursday 12 March 2020

Musings on Hospitals: From Butterflies to Ghosts - (3487)

Curious Buildings those Temples of Humanity

You guys seem a bit bored with the Kundalini posts so here is one that I've pulled out of the air for a bit of interest. 

Actually it is an area of life and in every area of life there can be virtues and defects, sleep and awakening, work to do or evaluate.

Well, hospitals are very curious places, there is a lot of importance going on there. They are in some way a kind of temple for humanity. I think that the points below may support that point of view.


'Just want to know that the hospital staff are aware of me - that's all'.

I've noticed in myself that there is a particular 'being in hospital' ego that can appear.

We have been in hospitals or similar places in our past many times, that we inevitably end up creating something particular in our psychology specifically related to be in hospital.

It has its particular flavour that a keen self-observer will be able to detect.

Its main concern is the above: "Just want to know that the hospital staff are aware of me - that's all".

Such an ego fears being left alone in uncertainty, in painful discomfort to which there does not seem any relief. So naturally it gets up to all sorts of antics to not be left alone, and it really wants to see the pain go and it wishes to seek assurance of a nice future.

Generally as soon as the words "have to go to hospital" are heard the butterflies start 'a fluttering'.

I think most people feel a butterfly or two taking flight when the prospect of a hospital visit or stay is on the cards.

Yet we feel comforted to be living close to a hospital.


I think we all suspect this that our stays in a hospital are to do with a karmic payment.

Sometimes even a part of an initiatic process can be spent in a hospital.

Maybe some of us spent a lot of our childhood in hospital. It was the case for me with asthma. Those days of our childhood were used wisely by the Law to pay off some of our karma.

The Law helped us because being a child and staying in hospital being sick is not so bad. It is psychologically more difficult being an adult.

Hope, Uncertainty and Bravery

In a hospital, like in a battlefield there are virtues and qualities of every noble class sparking into action.

How much does hope swell in the heart before listening to the doctor give his/her prognosis?

The last thing to go is usually hope, we keep hope up for those we love, hoping that they will 'pull through' right to the very last moment.

How much hope do we have in the surgeons, doctors and nurses to make that healing magic happen.

We hope that their knowledge, abilities and technology of which we generally have no real knowledge of will find a cause and an effective remedy.

The uncertainty certainly invokes God and don't many hospitals have a chapel to quietly turn our sights and succour up to God.

It seems even that war and hospitals go together. A country can not go to war without bringing along a hospital.

When I was studying palmistry a long time ago I learnt that in the palm of the hand there is a part called 'el campo de Marte" (studied in Spanish) meaning the 'field of Mars'. Papus went on to say in the book I was studying from, that Mars the planet of force, war and strength is related to surgery among a few other things.

The hospital staff are like warriors fighting known and unknown enemies in the body. Where as soldiers fight against bodies.

Aren't the bravest decisions made in hospital? To operate or not operate, to risk it, when the high certainty of things going wrong is so very present. The bravery to face death and or to face life again with half as much health as we once had...

Intense Moments

It seems that the most intense moments are lived in hospitals. What could be more intense than life and death. The intense moments are like doors that open, revealing much about ourselves to ourselves and to others. What we really are or have comes out in those intense moments.

Gods, Demi-Gods and Angels

The Ferrari's in the specially doctor and surgeon assigned parking spots. White coats with a stethoscope slung around the neck - indicate a demi-God or a God is present.

Aren't they a little like Gods. Lofty, wise, authoritative, hard to get hold of, sort of life elusive only present for a minute or two and what a grace it is to be looked at and even talked to.

Imagine the surgeons that exist in the high spheres of society with their magical skills and abilities, that far eclipse the capacities of the normal 'Joe Blow'. That's why we hold so much hope in them, becasue we see them so much high regard.

The nurses are like angels that come to you at night tending to your healing as per the doctor's orders. Bringing colourful tiny lollies, taking your blood pressure, temperature etc.

Imagine how mnay angels of life, death, medicine and law pass thorugh any hospital. Quite a lot right, making it a real temple.

Those Hallways

Those characteristically long corridors, where people wait, anxious and huddled discussing their loved one's condition.

The long walk down a lonely corridor or a busy one with patients being wheeled from one ward to the next. They make one to reflect and prepare: "What am I going to see?", "What do I say?", "Can I handle it?".  

Embarrassing Gowns - that Sway Open 

Those gowns, always checking that they are well placed covering everything. Always have your hand free to quickly rearrange things to avoid embarrassing exposure.

Pride is pretty humbled when wearing one of those gowns. Even more so needing help to go to the toilet.

Why Do We Have to go to the Toilet?

All is fine until we have to go to the toilet, and imagine we can't go alone. Then the commode it is with curtains all around drawn.

You feel for the nurses who have get a whiff of that stuff and take it away. Once again pride suffers like crazy, yet it is what everyone everyday all over the world goes through.

Pride secretly asks why did God design us that we have to go to the toilet that way. But of course how else could he have designed us. any other way would be pretty weird.

The Car Park 

The car park is the beginning and the end, with a grumble mumble.

The anxious hurry ends in the car park. The dread and regret of having to go begins in the car park.

The deep sigh, the gathering up of courage, ready to face reality and releasing the resigned last grumble.

"Why do they charge so much?" is the all common grumble. Well I sort of agree for the new hospitals because the government forked out a 'good penny' to build them. But for the old established ones well... receive a grumble.

Strange Nights of Vigil

Just get through the long tricky night. So quiet at night, such a busy intense day in contrast to the quiet night. everything needs its repose.

When given permission to watch over a loved one in hospital, we have a sign that things are not going so good. 

It naturally lends to vigil. To watch over the sick loved one praying for them - asking for strength and vitality and healing. No other place so naturally leads one to a ritual.


Those who die in a hospital remain for a while. Until they realise they have died or they are ushered along. Maybe a sensitive person can see them still hurting, not realizing their pain is over now.


Hospitals are like an intermediary that connect many special forces, influences and functions together.

From hospital to morgue, from 'the beyond' to birth in a hospital then out to life, from law (karma) to hospital, from hospital released to life, from war to hospital, from love to hospital, from science to hospital and from hospital to science, what ray does not cross paths with a hospital, from hospital to strength...

A place of where great life decisions are made, a place where the heart sorrows, a place where the heart rejoices, a place to be born and die, a place of learning, a place where many lives have turned around, a place of healing and place of things gone wrong, a place to open up the heart and say all that is aflame before it can no longer be said, a place to remember God and pray, a place to rest, a place to retrospect, a place to show your love and support, a place to be educated and learn about the body, life, science, a place to make the body, psychology and spirit strong and stronger...

By far an interesting place and one that with imagination on can go to and find so much to work on. I think there is no place like it for that in the human world because it connects viscerally with our mortality and fragile nature.

Sorry if you read all of the above stuff. It was just pouring out so why not connect my typing fingers to the flow I thought. What do you reckon Amazon did I write a lot junk or not so bad?

End (3487).


  1. Firstly, I am not bored by your Kundalini posts. I look forward to the rest in the series. Secondly, this was a very interesting read. Having not spent much time in hospitals (and hoping you aren't right now, by the way) your insights have been very well observed. I wonder what the internal dimensions of a hospital could show us if we had the eyes to see. Thirdly, how did you know I am an Amazon :) ?

  2. I'll be continuing on with more of the Kundalini posts. They are setup in draft only requiring the input of content. I plan to flesh out the skeletons and publish this week. Thank God I am not in a hospital at the moment. I would imagine the internal dimensions of a hospital to be just as busy as the physical dimension. Without a doubt many Beings visit a hospital internally such as the Angels of Death, Life, Medicine, Law even... Good on you then if you are an Amazon. A psychological Amazon is the best one. One that is as Master Samael says pitted against oneself and at war with one's defects.
