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Monday 9 March 2020

Judging Other's Small Details Lemons Us - (3484)

Another discovery, another resolution and another KRIM session.

When listening to a person speak or even just thinking of a person many little cringes, twangs and pangs appear. They are mainly us judging something about them as a little 'less' a little 'sub-standard' etc.

Beside nearly all of those judgement being irrelevant and of 'no consequence' those pangs and twangs don't feel very good.

Too much of it brings a lemon taste.

It is so much more enjoyable to listen to someone speak without any of this twanging and panging going on in ourselves (mind and emotion).

The twangs and pangs come from our own mind. It is not they are 'sub-standard' at all. Our mind is the 'sub-standard' one as it superimposes 'sub-standard' and then recognises its own 'sub-standard'.

Anyway real listening goes beyond the small details and hears so to understand the heart of the issue or topic.

End (3484).

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