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Tuesday 10 March 2020

Kundalini Posts: 1.1) Kundalini and the Rhythms of Mahavan and Chotavan - (3471)

Mahavan and Chotavan

Both are Sanskrit words that refer to cosmic rhythms that exist right here and now.

Chotavan means "small rhythm" while Mahavan means "large rhythm". These two rhythms are the rhythms of the Fire of Space, they are the rhythms of the Cosmos.

Master Samael says that three eternal pulses make up both of these rhythms.

He says that Chotavan is feminine and Mahavan is masculine. 

Master Samael says that with the awakening of the Kundalini we like incarnate these rhythms. Meaning that we begin to perceive these rhythms (which come from space) and we begin to resound to them. Making us more in-tune with the rhythms of the march of Universal Life. Rather than moving according to the trends, fashions, and movements of terrestrial life which is often based in fear, ambition, greed, selfishness etc. etc.

The cosmic fire expands, creates, maintains, destroys and withdraws. All according to a rhythm.

Heartbeat of the Cosmic Fire

These two rhythms (Mahavan and Chotavan) constitute the heartbeat of the cosmic fire. They are the unique signature of the cosmic fire. As the heartbeat of everything is unique. So therefore these two rhythms connect us to the uniqueness of the cosmos. 

Perceiving a heartbeat is to get a peep into the intimate life of the sentient being whose heartbeat you are listening to. Fire is behind sound and rhythm (if there's sound there's rhythm), so listening to a heartbeat you can perceive a bit about the fire of life in the sentient being. 

End (3471).

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