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Friday 6 March 2020

Kundalini Posts: 1.0) What is Kundalini? - (3453)


In our experience as human beings we generally have no idea about what Kundalini is. We don't feel it nor do we perceive it.

If it wasn't for the esoteric teachings we would not have the slightest clue that we have it.

The strangest thing of all though, is Kundalini, this primordial spiritual energy stands as the key to our liberation and also the key to our demise.

To do a bit of self-study on the Kundalini is really helpful for the whole of our spiritual work. Why? Because this topic is central to our spiritual work. The energy of kundalini is our foundation.

I have often found that the reason why we don't ardently and deeply accept something to a active and practical level is because we lack knowledge and understanding of it.

What is It?

I promised to finish this post so here I go tapity-tap-tap away on this grubby white keyboard...

Prize of Occult Anatomy

The prize that rests under the spotlight within our our occult anatomy is the Kundalini. It is the central piece, the unique and central key that unlocks the ignition of the full functioning of our occult anatomy.  

Our occult anatomy has been installed so benevolently that all the channels and circuits for this energy to flow are present, awaiting the day that the raw, pure, primordial energy of the Kundalini will flow through them.

Primordial Energy of Creation and the Cosmos

It is really a pure spiritual energy of great potency. It has been taught that it is a cosmic fire. Specifically that that cosmic fire is the raw, primitive, primeval and primordial fire of the cosmos.

There is so much energy abundant in the universe, and all of it has its expression and manifestation. 

These manifestations and expressions vary so widely, yet they all have their source in the energy that drove creation and right now as I write and as you read is insufflating creation with energy maintaining it in its slow movement forward. This energy is what the Hindus would call Shakti. 

The Kundalini is this energy that drives and maintains creation, in pure form. It is the energy that was there at the first instance in creation. It is the energy of potential that is present in the matrix of the cosmos.


It is the feminine fire. Fire is everywhere, the Being is fire, the Intimate Christ is fire, the Holy Spirit is fire, the Typhon Baphomet is fire, there is fire in our vital body and fire in our blood and there is fire in our essence. Fire is really that blend of energy and consciousness. However, depending on the part of the Being it may be more energy or more consciousness. 

In Hindu philosophy, there is Shiva and Shakti. The masculine and Feminine principles from which creation arose. Shiva is supreme consciousness and Shakti is primordial supreme energy. Shakti actually is Shiva's power, and Shiva is Shakti's intelligence.

The energy of Shakti later condense into matter, making Shakti a participant in all forms of organic and inorganic matter. Shakti is the whole stage of the universe. 

The thing though we have Shakti as a gift for our ascent to Olympus the dwelling of the Gods following on from the myth of Prometheus. 

Foundational Energetic Base of Spiritual Ascent

Shakti or Kundalini is the energy generator for our spiritual ascent. The aspirant who ascends back to the stars has to have an extraordinarily powerful energetic base of spiritual potential energy converted into dynamic rising energy to help him or her. 

Every human being has the Kundalini present in their occult and inner energetic constitution. However, it is dormant. And needs to be awoken and waits patiently for that day. Being dormant it does no harm nor any good really. Well it does some good, but not near as much as if it was awakened.

Greetings from the Next Few Posts

Ok now so the next posts will be about the many different qualities of the Kundalini, such as polarity, sound, its location, its nadi's and in general a bit more about what it is.

End (3453).

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