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Saturday 7 March 2020

Some Time to Yourself Why Not Do a Conscious Pain Dive - (5275)

If we find ourselves one day having some time to ourselves why not delve into our most painful memories and scary fears. 

With with with though, the purpose, held ever so firmly, to comprehend it.

This is really so useful to do, because this pain that we still carry around has not as yet been transformed into light. It is still darkness and that darkness on many levels influences our psychological and physical life. It influences it so much, ever so much!

It can also unexpectedly come out with intensity overwhelming us and more over, it holds so much will and light. It is a gold mine really, that if we want to be richer in light and strength that is the most logical place to get into. 

Chevron, Woodside, Shell, ENI would all agree, those dudes mine the ocean floor, installing a platform 230kms or more off a very remote coast to mine natural gas over a sizeable field. That intrepidness pays off handsomely for them in the physical world and the same thing applies for us in the psychological world. It will pay off handsomely.

To dive even into our deepest fears. The fear of death, the fear of being left bereft, the fear of being outcast etc. etc. is really worth while too!

It is a very helpful exercise to run our fears to the ultimate. To take the fear to the final consequence, which is what it fears the very most. Things change a little when we do that. 

Try it. Most of what fear tries to do is to prevent us from going to that final consequence and discovering that "then what silence". 

When we ask ourselves: "then what?" there is a little peace because things don't seem that bad, right at the edge of the cliff (not a reference to suicide - only metaphorical illustrative, imaginative). The unacceptable can become more and more acceptable. 

End (5275).

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