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Sunday 15 March 2020

Kundalini Posts: 1.3) Kundalini's Two Polarities - (3473)

Two Poles - Duality

Master Samael teaches that the Kundalini has two poles.

This in the beginning is strange. Two poles like as in duality, the plus and the minus. Why a minus?

What helps to understand this is that the Kundalini is spiritual energy. Which is energy none the less. Everything here in the cosmos including the physical world is of the Cosmic Mother. The energy present in creation, is the Cosmic Divine Mother's and it is Her also.

So energy here in the physical world manifests always in two poles and over a spectrum. The two poles actually create the spectrum. There is potential energy and kinetic energy. There infra-red light and ultra-violet light, acidic and alkaline, negative and positive charges and so on. So the Kundalini being primordial cosmic energy in its manifestation in the world, has to have its two poles just as all other types of energy have.

Static and Dynamic

We see firstly that Kundalini has a static and dynamic expression. In human beings it is mostly dormant or static there in our coccyx. But with the right spiritual practice it becomes dynamic. 

Ascending and Descending

However, that is not all, the Kundalini energy when made dynamic expresses itself in two ways: ascending or descending.

Master Samael says that the same energy is present in the ascending Kundalini as in the descending Kundabuffer.

It is the same energy but it sides with one of the two polarities depending all on us. Upon what we use to invoke Her or awaken Her. Either with our essence or with our egos. One polarity of ascending towards the light and the other descending towards the darkness.

We can see that humanity is actually more influenced by this descending kind of fire.

The Tree of The Science of Good and Evil

The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil is really about these two polarities of the Kundalini. The Kundalini is what gives you knowledge of good and evil. It is these two polarities that give you knowledge of the light or of the darkness.

Note, the tempting serpent is the Typhon. More about that in the next post: 1.4.

The Pivot

In the Kundalini is the pivot. It is the key to ascend or descend. When it awakens it makes us to rapidly rise or rapidly descend. 

The Divine Mother as Master Samael says in any case is the one which accompanies us upwards or downwards and in both cases works so to liberate us, either through the light or through the second death.

Everything is really done through the Divine Mother. All the plains of consciousness, the Intimate Christ is from Her, the bodies, the initiations are Her, the death of the ego is through Her.

End (3473).

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