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Monday 16 March 2020

Kundalini Posts: 1.4) Kundalini as Serpent - (3474)

Serpentine Fire

The serpent is a special symbol very present in esotericism.

You see the serpent present in so many texts and books on spirituality, and the Kundalini is almost always related to the serpent, in the sense of a serpentine fire (fire in the shape of a serpent).

Master Samael says that because the fire of Kundalini rises all the way up the spinal column through the Sushumna channel it takes an elongated shape exactly like a serpent.

Kundalini links the sexual power to the spinal column and the spinal column to the brain. If we look at any snake we see exactly that: a brain and long spinal column. A serpent is the perfect symbol for Kundalini.

The serpent also represents the nervous system and is s symbol for sex, for the Divine Mother, the Third Logos and the Typhon Baphomet.

Wise as Serpents, and Harmless as Doves

The serpent gives wisdom, because it reveals good and evil through its two polarities. Wisdom is the result of the contrast of the opposites: good and evil. The serpent also unlocks the mysteries of each chamber of the spinal column making our consciousness wise.

The symbol of wisdom is the Ouroborus which is the symbol of a snake devouring its own tail. Indeed that is wisdom, when one reflects back oneself and finds within oneself what one has always been looking for. When the cycle completes with the beginning being the same as the end with the only difference being the wisdom learnt in the journey.

Master Samael wrote about the serpentine cultures of old. That many cultures of the past (Aztec, Mayan and Egyptian in their times of peak glory for example) were built upon the wisdom of the serpent. Which was the wisdom released from the initiatic path used to govern and guide the people through according to the natural and cosmic principles and laws. It was the serpent in the initiates that allowed and gave them this wisdom of life, nature and the cosmos.

Snakes are Interesting

They never close their eyes (perhaps always awake), they renew themselves by shedding their skin, their venom is used to create various medicines and they devour their food whole, and they are astute and powerful. Snakes also have a two fold aspect to their sexual organs indicating the binary aspect of the sexual force and the two serpents (kundalini and kundabuffer). All snakes are carnivores, and we know the main esoteric element of meat is fire. They also hatch from an egg reminding us of the cosmic egg. 

Certainly the serpent of Kundalini supports awakened consciousness, allows spiritual birth and creation, heals and restores our powers, and the Divine Mother as the serpent devours the bodies of gold whole.

Snakes are pure power! Efficient and sleek. Like the Divine Mother when she is charged with transmuted energy to discharge against an ego we have been understanding.

End (3474).

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