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Wednesday 18 March 2020

Kundalini Posts: 1.7) Sun, Moon and Fire - (3477)

The Three Gunas are three qualities within the Cosmic Divine Mother. They are: Tamas, Rayas and Sattva.

Tamas is inertia and pacifying, Rayas is agitating and activating, and Sattva is harmony and balance.

There is, for example a lot of Sattva in the heart.

These equate to moon, sun and fire. That is lunar, solar and Kundalini. Kundalini is the third balanced force, the result of the unifying shock of the two opposites.

So everything in creation is a combination of these qualities. Even you yourself is a combo of these three qualities. There are even some indication by which you can tell where the balance of your particular combination lies. But not in the scope of this post. Master Samael actually mentions it. It has a little to do with the type of food we like.

The three coils of the Divine Mother Kundalini represent these three Gunas.

Those three Gunas feature not only in the number of coils but in other aspects as well. Such as in the Sushumna canal. 

End (3477).

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