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Tuesday 17 March 2020

Weekend Yeeee Haaar! Is More a Launch Pad than a Bridge - (3494)

The Weekend

The weekend is a bridge between the week days. Everyone knows that of course. However, when working on something where we want to follow a continuous line, the weekend is more than a bridge, it is a launch pad into the new week.

For me the most important part of the day is the morning. It is good to get up earlier and give yourself time to be calm and go inside, then for the rest of the day, if we are careful with identification, we can ride on that calm introspective wave making for ourselves a very different day.

A good weekend of work sets the new week off on a slightly newer octave, to do with a plethora of things. Which could be slightly more energy, insight, understanding, force, decision, determination, concentration etc. etc. many things, whatever happens.  

Damage Control

One thing we don't want is that the weekend causes us to go backwards. How we take to our weekends is important really. 

Imagine you are on a diet and the weekdays go strictly by the diet, but the weekends are 'pig out' time, we are going to make the new week to come all about damage control. Meaning standing still or going backwards.

A helpful hack is to work the weekends to continue forward more effectively.

Weekend Man and Week Day Man Joint Merger

The weekend man and the weekday man can be different. Loose on the weekend and tight, regimented and in control during the week.  

We have to blend the weekend man into the weekday man and make just one man. Best is to do that, rather than dissolve one of them. But you can dissolve one of them.

What is really damaging to us is the disparity between the various facets of ourselves. It cuts us apart really and cuts into our self-image such that we don't know who we are and consequently we lose ourselves.

Depends though who the week end man is. If the weekend man has some pretty rough egos best to hit hard those egos. Then easily weekend man will merge into weekday man.

End (3494).

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