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Tuesday 3 March 2020

Loneliness Learnings - (3564)

Everything in Life has a Purpose

Being single for a certain period of time has a purpose, as everything in our life does.

It could be that it is a learning. A learning that we may need to pass through in life for our development or for a future stage of our life.

The learning here could well be to arrive at peace within oneself, being content with oneself as one is. Where in that peace the gaping lacks have, to a larger degree been quashed.  

What gaping lacks? They may vary from individual to individual. Perhaps they may be: lack of confidence (what's wrong with me - not good enough to find someone), lack of certainty (will I ever find someone?), lack of love (maybe I'm too selfish), lack of an energetic compliment (well you work that one out yourself as to what it means specifically) etc.  

To understand that the state of loneliness can be felt being physically alone or surrounded by people is a step forward in knowledge and understanding . 

*I'm here writing this and I'm asking myself: "why am I writing this stuff? I don't like this theme too much. Well anyway I've started might as well finish."

States of Loneliness

The states of loneliness are something that arises within us due to something ontological. In particular, due to us having forgotten something ontological about ourselves.

While feeling 'lonely' we ignore that we are a complete being. We happen to be complete already. We have both masculine and feminine within. 

Yes it is true, we lack realisation, true we lack the emancipation and unification of all of the parts of our Being - but we have already all the parts that need to be liberated and integrated, there is nothing missing. As long as we have the Divine masculine and feminine principles within us to make the complete the oneness we have all that we need to be complete.

So what is loneliness? It is the feeling that we lack something, miss something nostalgically, want something of the new, something magical and inexhaustible, something immune to the weathering of time, something immune to disappointment, something yet we yearn to acquire (but can't reach it) etc.

Doesn't that smack to you of missing the Being within you? But yet we think we feel lonely because we are single. Isn't the magical, the inexhaustible and the immortal always the Being? 

Common Perception

In the common perception, people attribute loneliness to not having a complement - 'the other half', a 'significant other'. So in other words, the common perception of loneliness, is that it is related to the completion of masculine and feminine. 

We don't realise that we have both masculine and feminine within us. And that when we find or discover these attributes within us, much of that outward grasping subsides.  

'Up Our Sleeves'

With this learning 'up one's sleeve', one is be able to start a relationship in a much more conscious manner. 

With this learning one can avoid building their relationship on false bases. The bases that 'you should love me by showing this, doing this', 'that I need your love', 'that I can not live without you', 'I must have your attention and love', 'that love means ...', 'that love means I am always first', 'that only sweet tones and sweet words must be spoken to me',  etc.

Note, there is a big difference between the other person doing all of the above things naturally and freely out of their love, and us demanding that they do these things. 

When we have false bases we demand! We only wish to receive! When we give we must receive! We cry, we despair, we feel disappointed, of course because all along what we really deeply want is to be able to merge into the fount of love in our own Being and give love to others with integrity and sincerity. But because we forget our inner Being we look for that outside, in and through others, and we became so demanding and so perfectionist in those demands. 

Final Salutations

I want to say that this does not justify being single or mean that a person should remain single. Because as we know, only by practicing the Alchemy, can one awaken the cosmic fire - the cosmic feminine. When She the Divine Cosmic fire is active in us, She can rise to meet the Divine Masculine and complete the Divine couple. This Divine marrying occurs within you many times, on many different and deeper levels within your own Being, along our your own Being's path.  

Having finished writing this post now, I am still wondering what I am doing, why did I write this stuff. Well who cares do you really? Nah! Me neither - lets see the next post. 

End (3564).

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