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Wednesday 4 March 2020

Willy Wagtail Stands Down the Mazda - (3563)

What is it with these willy wag tails? One afternoon I as pulling into the Como centre’s driveway and this willy wag tail "Gustavo el Grande' we call him was standing me down. Standing defiant in the middle of the drive way preventing me from driving in.

He looks at me, moves his head like he is annoyed and stares for a second or two then walks off to his left. Opening the drive way for me to drive in.

They are bossy birds, they often marshal all other birds away. Often many times larger than their own size too.

Gustavito el grande trying to be tall perching himself on the garden light
trying to move Pushjak the fur ball of a cat. 
To have this spirit is certainly good. However directed inwardly. To stand up to our karma, to our own weaknesses and stand defiant before them and say I will work and work and defeat you is something that we all need!

To defy outside of ourselves goes against the natural order and Law and that is unmistakably Pride. 

See the ego is about polarities, The ego is a quality, taken inside of ourselves it is right, taken outside it is not right. The ego is a polarization that sits on the unconscious and mechanical side. The side that rests with the sensorial mind. A side which forgets that It’s own quality can be used inwardly to benefit the person's essence.

Say if one is defiant by nature that's not bad, but we must have the wisdom to know when not to be defiant.

End (3563).

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