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Tuesday 24 March 2020

Psychological Stickeez 2 Collection - (3506)


In general, collecting things for the psychological worker warrants a careful eye. There can often be some ego behind it. Most often that ego is greed. 

Greed Collecting

It is easy to know if greed is behind the collecting. 

The way to tell, is that if we accumulate things we don't need and the purpose to collect those things is to have those things in our possession because of a kind of abstract reason or fad, then greed is around. 

For example, greed collects money to reach a nice round number, but of course that nice round sum with a single digit between 1 and 9 followed by nice round zeros is pure mind, pure abstraction because in terms of need what is the difference between a number looking good with zeros than a mixed up number with a decimal point and everything.

Sometimes greed collects so to not see the collected items in the possession of others. Which is a selfish egoical thing really.

A museum is interesting as it is essentially a huge collection centre, but with a difference it is there for all to enjoy. But you know there could still be greed lurking amongst the museum's administrators. 

If the collecting is driven to have more then we need, we can be sure it is something belonging to greed. 

Greed becomes rather abstract and veers quite a long way from reality and practicality. Greed begins where the need limit is exceeded. Greed exists when there are mental or emotional reasons rather than practical ones.  

This is so easy to see that in these current times - with all the food collecting. Fear and greed combine to produce super charged greedy people and empty supermarket shelves day after day. People can be rather greedy.

Psychological Work Collecting

There is another kind of collecting that is not greed based. It is the collecting of virtues or the practical wisdom of the understanding of the truths that fabricate virtues.

Looking at my second Stickeez 2 collection. I sold the first one for on ebay for $27. Will try to sell this one too. Anyhow, imagine that each stickeez represents a truth, and that this truth takes you to a virtue. To my mind such a collection is a psychological treasure.

To me such a collection is one that is most worth collecting.

How is your psychological collection of virtue truths? Increasing, the same, or what "what are you talking about?".

This blog is often about me sharing the truths that lead to virtues within a person. One day who knows when I am going to share all that I have in a series of posts. When the motivation kicks me you'll have it without holding back anything.

End (3491).

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