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Tuesday 24 March 2020

Up Side of the Current Circumstances - (3505)

Everything is dual.

Here are some good points in my small world that I have noticed about the latest Corona virus related unfolding circumstances.

Just writing this to make you laugh a bit. Or maybe you will just want to hit me because you are stuck in lock-down. Oh well ready here goes...

Aussie buildings are the cleanest they have ever been.

Aussies are now more hygienic. Aussies can be grubs.

Forced to take time off or work from home. When does that ever happen when you are are fit to work? Hardly ever right?

Best time to go shopping. Sales everywhere.

Time to meditate all that you like. Study all that you like.

All the gyms are closed - feet up time.

Some awkward engagements and commitments have been cancelled - quietly thank goodness.

All the buses are running on time. Early even. There's no one to stop for.

Back seat Commander cruising down St George's Tce. Normally it would be full!
The office is so quiet, you can actually get things done, plus you can be the commander of the coffee machine.

You can run down the busiest CBD streets doing zig zag aeroplanes. You know arms outstretched like a bird.

You can fall asleep in the food court on the couches, no one's there to care.

No one is really working hard - people are all distracted.

You can talk to anyone at a 2 metre distance because there's a lot in common to talk about - 'the virus, the government'.

It is a good time to learn a lot of lessons about ourselves, our psychology and about the nature of human beings.

It makes you work harder esoterically and psychologically on many different fronts.

It is undeniable we have global karma in action, we can see how it works and that it is a formidable power.

End (3505).

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