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Tuesday 24 March 2020

Separate from the Subconscious that's Medicine - (5270)

Essence to the Rescue

In these times what is of major help is to separate from our subconscious.

Obviously worry, anxiety which come from fear in our subconscious is the thing that mostly bothers people right now.

Subconscious elements often pull on other elements so when our subconscious gets agitated it is common that other egos appear as well, such as anger, irritation and past resentments can get amplified etc.

Step 1

As a first port of call, it is very helpful to chant the mantra KRIM praying to the Divine Mother to bring down the subconscious.

The Rune UR is so helpful when taking the above step. Of course you can't do that if you are on a bus or driving a car.

Step 2

Apply some teachings to calm the subconscious. 

Some teachings that really help:
  • If there's a problem there's a solution.
  • Worrying does not solve or improve anything. Life will unfold how it is meant to unfold whether we worry or not.
  • Things are never as bad in reality as we think them to be.
  • Accept the unacceptable.
  • You can only do what you can do.
  • What has a beginning has an end.
  • Everything passes.
  • It is the fear in our mind that makes us jittery, frequent the toilet, restless, bite our nails, scatter brained, funny in the tummy etc. If our fearful mind provokes all of those things that we can change the effects. If we change the thoughts (cause) we change the effects (anxious to calm).
  • TRUST is the antidote to fear! Apply trust, get inventive on how you can apply it to your particular situation. One good way is to take your mind to the worst case scenario and trust that when you are there you can deal with it.
What happens here is that these teachings engage the free essence and also the essence inside the ego.  The free essence then charged with the power of understanding the teaching is able to push further away the ego.

Step 3

Let go of any worrisome thoughts. Do your best not to feed the subconscious. Doing a no-thinking practice is very powerful. These practices maintain the separation.

Once you have the comprehension that it is the ego that is making you unwell, then send lots of KRIM bombs down deep into the subconscious.

End (5270).

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