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Wednesday 29 April 2020

C'mon Fight Back! - (5291)

Quite a few years ago, I remember when I had some ego really bad, m.m.m would look at me and say really firmly: "c'mon fight back!". Not wanting me to fight or argue with anyone but to go inside and fight the ego that was bothering me. 

The truth was that I couldn't do anything, because I didn't know the keys to fight back against that ego. But I just tried anyway.

Later the keys came and that made a big difference.

Sometimes we have worked a lot on an ego and have it under our thumb. In this case analysing is no good at all, it is just time to use will, heart and KRIM to send it packing out of our human machine and out of the event and into the hands of our Divine viper that will sting it to death.

Sometimes we know a lot about an ego but it is still well and alive, and we can say: "here we go again, that same old ego with the same old feelings, same old negative state it will take me to, I don't need that and don't want that", and so we can just "smile and wave" at it, make an effort to separate from it knowing that it is not us, knowing that "it is the same old ego", don't think about it for a second more and send it packing with some almighty KRIMs. 

Sometimes it is new and it is time to look deeply inside to get information about what that thing is.

Sometimes we are in the middle, it still has a strong grip on us and it hurts, you want to say something, and you desperately want the balm of comprehension to arrive and set you free. So your system is telling you what you need - comprehension. So we need to directly question that ego, to generate comprehension. 

Question and question its truth, look for the value hidden in it, get that value and take it up to the Being, remember the Being through that value, reverse the polarity of it, this is the fight. If nothing happens at all, you got nowhere try again and again! A huge real weapon is PERSISTENCE!!!

End (5291).

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