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Wednesday 29 April 2020

Perfect Love Map - (3568)

Ah we look for perfect love in a woman, but it is really hard to always find it there, and a woman may look for perfect love in a man and it may be even more difficult to find it there. Lots of disappointment here and there. Well, in our Being is a place where we can find it. Where else could we find it I ask myself? In God, yes in God, but who or where is God for us? In our Being right! In our Being!!!

How do you imagine your Being relates to you? Has to be through Its love right? Or could it be through a corrupted, tainted love? No! Of course not! It can't be that, that is more how we may relate to It! So It LOVES us, but that LOVE is unknown to us or mysterious to us or like out of reach to us...

Look at that love of the Being for a minute, see, imagine, how could it be? Explore it widely, see your life - see how that love has guided, protected you, look and look and explore and explore through all of your life's events. Take inspiration fly and search...

We may see how different it is compared to what we think it should be or could be like. Perhaps we think it should be that we be spared all darkness and suffering, no accidents, the best treatment all the time...But it is not like that is it? It is different to what we think isn't it? Sometimes surprisingly better than we think right, so much more wiser Than we could have ever thought right? And sometimes like it is not there or was never there right?

Anyway here we can learn! Meditate on how our Being loves us. That'a very worthwhile thing to do. Such a meditation done earnestly may rock your socks off, because some turkey brain egos believe the Being does not love us but wishes only to pUnish us. Well I don't believe that and I don't want to either!

See how flexible and forgiving the Being is with us. How patient, how hopeful, how trusting etc. If after Meditating or thinking deeply on the love of the Being you feel moved in your emotions you did something. You did! Shut up the skeptical pessimistic mind! You did! Now the trick is to live with that from now on and not forget it after you get up and have a cup of mint tea with ginger

You know that indifference towards the Being in us is not good for us - we the aspirant. It is our very job to melt that cool indifference with meditation and prayer. Not really the Being's job but OURS!

The Law of Reciprocity m.m.m says states: "that the more we trust the Being the more It trusts us and the more it comes closer to us". We must start first! The first step to take is OURS!

What about the times when we feel love, could it be that the love of our Being is streamed by Him through us and we feel His love? He puts it in us and takes it? But our essence loves also does it not? But His Love is the Divine Love...

End (3568).

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