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Tuesday 28 April 2020

The Ethers Part 2 - (3562)


This is a post about the Ether and the Tattwas. A post that a little while ago I promised that I would do: see the post "The Ethers - (3524)".

So here it goes.

When talking about the tattwas wE have no other recourse but to resort to the Vedic texts and Hindu philosophy and of course Master Samael's works.

I have actually completed a few postS related to the tattwas which you find listed here for some complementary reading.

The Vedic textS say that the CosmIc Mother in her capacity to give to creation has a root sound hreem, and within that sound are the three shaktis or powerS of the DIvine Mother. They are known as iccha shakti (tamas - will), jnana shakti (sattva - intelligence) and kriya shakti (rayas - action). All that is in creation is made from these three powers. These three powers or qualities are also the three Gunas.


Tattwa or Tattva is a Sanskrit term meaning element or principle or reality. Master Samael says that the tattwas are the vibrations and or principles of the four Elements.

They also say that there are actually 25 tattwas or elements that make up the world. The first five tattwas are the known as the Maha Tattwas. These are Akasa (ether), Vayu (air), Tejas (fire), Apas (water) and Prithvi (earth).

However, before these 25 elements there are what they call the subtle elements. There are five, and they are sound, touch, taste, form and odour, and are furthermore known as the Tanmatras. The subtle element of sound is the first one to manifest from hreem the root sound of the Cosmic Mother.

From the subtle element of sound comes the denser element Akasha known as the Ether. The Akasha or Ether is a vast field of energy that covers the universe and also makes up the universe. When the ether vibrates it produces movement which becomes air, hence the tattwa Vayu (air). When the different elements of air brush up against each other friction is produced giving rise to heat or fire or the tattwa Tejas. When the heated air condenses liquid or water is formed producing the tattwa Apas. When the water solidifies it produces earth - the tattwa Prithvi.

So behind the dense elements that we have here on the planet Earth are the tattwas. They are the energies and principles behind them. Because really the elements are condensations of principles. Earth, water, fire and air have their unique qualities and they have their own principles from which these qualities come from. 

Creation always proceeds from the subtle to the gross. so the elements come from the tattwas. The tattwas are the animating principle or higher reality behind the elements. As Master Samael says control the tattwas control the elements.

Tattwas linked to Senses

The subtle elements (tanmatras) mentioned above are sound, touch, form, taste and odour. Each tattwa has one of these subtle elements as its main quality. The sense organs that we have are according to this teaching present to allow the mind to interact with each tattwa.

Akash belongs to sound, touch to air, form to fire, taste to water and odour to earth. Our ears allow us to sense sound, our skin allows us to sense air, our eyes allow us to sense images, our mouth allows us to taste liquids and our nose allows us to smell the earth.

Tattwas in Vibration During the Day

Certainly there is a particular timetable in which the tattwas vibrate more dominantly. Master Samael mentioned the qualities of each tattwa and he basically said that if it is cold and wet then the tattwa of Apas is vibrating. If it is dry and hot then the tattwa of Tejas is vibrating.

In the next few posts I can write about the qualities of each tattwa and explain what the mantra hidden (2nd and 3rd paragraphs) in the text of this post is for.

End (3562).

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