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Tuesday 28 April 2020

What we can Learn from a Tree - (3555)

How does a tree grow? It starts off as a seed. The seed planted in the ground, begins to first grow roots. After the roots reach a certain depth a small trunk begins to reach up out of the seed. The trunk grows up and up. Soon branches and leaves grow and only once thee trunk has reached its maximum height do all the branches extend themselves fully and sprout all the leaves they can.

A tree's roots are our feelings that need to run deep into our earth - which is our body. The trunk is our action that is based on and supported by our feeling and the branches and leaves are our lofty thoughts, that once feeling and action have been established can they expand, multiply and take inspirational flight. 

Of course before the deep feeling there is thought, but that thought is different to the thought that opens up and expands after feeling and action have been established.

Just look at someone becoming a teacher, after thinking (fighting in his/her mind) about becoming a teacher, the person begins to feel like becoming a teacher and as that feeling deepens one begins to study and later work as a teacher and then after some years experience as a teacher only does inspiration. innovation, expansion, fulfillment in the teaching field take flight.

End (3555).

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