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Wednesday 22 April 2020

Gnostic Institutions have their Particular Qualities - (3552)

For sure each Gnostic group and institution has their particular qualities. How can we deny that?  

Some Gnostic institutions have many who are on the path giving them a high value. A particular institution may lean more towards the first factor and another may lean more towards the third.

Anyhow each institution has before the white lodge their particular value and qualities, making one more suitable for a particular mission or function than another. Some to build rapidly new points of light, some to maintain and intensify the light through hard work and sacrifice and others to protect the light etc. etc.

All the Gnostic associations, centres, groups and institutions are branches or arms of the White Lodge. Each arm is there for action, there to fulfill a task. Mostly the same task, but perhaps a different one for a short period of time.

End (3552).

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