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Wednesday 22 April 2020

Gnostics on an Island - (3553)

Imagine that all the Gnostics were on an island. How would it be? 

It would be like a big long retreat in some ways. Where we are all dedicated to work on ourselves. Doing practices, receiving and giving talks and enjoying the time in between to work hard on ourselves.

That's the ideal. But then there's the ego. But then there is the nice harmony of everyone dedicated to the same cause. If there's the ego there's all the help needed to overcome it. Imagine the masters are there as well, to guide, illuminate and protect us all.

Obviously the conditions would be nothing like we have here in our countries, cities and homes.

The problems always arise in the kitchen, in the cleaning, in the rules, in the sharing of facilities, in the roster, in the queues, in the organisation of things, in the differences, in the past, in antipathy and sympathy, in the relativity of things - why are you first and me second?

It could work couldn't it? As long as the work on the ego is totally well and alive. As long as pride and lust are worked on really well, it could work. Well that's what I reckon any way.

End (3553).

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