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Monday 27 April 2020

Kundalini Posts: Kundalini Must Leave the Coccyx! - (5365)

Once the Kundalini has been awoken, by nature and by law of Fire - by law of Shakti, She must rise!

Check out a flame, it always always will seek to rise. It can not do otherwise. Fire is always an upward pointing triangle.

In fact the universal symbol for fire is an upward pointing triangle. Fire is energy in liberation, energy being transferred from one dimension or state to another. It is a portal from the more dense to the more rarefied or spiritual. It is very much related to birth and death.

By nature the awakened Kundalini is dynamic and must move. If it does not move, stagnation stifles Her and she can fall under the danger of being extinguished and made to slumber. 

That is, She can retrogress back into Her previous static state. Or even by our own error She can withdraw to slumber.

For any flame to rise it needs a widening in its fueling base and an upward draft of air. The heart in us is both of two factors. It provides the fuel and the upward force for Her to rise.

Master Samael says that the merits of the heart control the fires of the serpent.

The fire is sufflated by the will and effort of the heart made in working on the defects, and it is fueled by the dead wood of the comprehended defects, and ascends as the level of the Being rises. 

The level of the serpent represents the level of the Being of the initiate.

In short the heart leads the development of the fire. Mystical death is its developing and guiding force.

Shortfalls in mystical death stagnate the development of the fire.

End (5365).

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