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Friday 24 April 2020

Mantra Notes - (3549)


A few very quick lines about mantras. I think that it is good to know a bit about the science of mantras because in Gnosis nearly everything is mantras.

There is a whole science of study do with mantra. It is sometimes called Mantra Yoga or Sound Yoga.

The objective of mantra is to connect the mind to the cosmic mind, where our mind can then dip into the primordial sounds of the cosmos. Mantras are to cause our consciousness to lift away from our mind and to experience the vibration of a certain thing.  

The word itself teaches us this: mantra is Sanskrit made up of  the two Sanskrit words: 'manas' and 'trai'. Manas means mind or thought or reflection and trai means protect or be free from. Putting these two meanings together we see that the word 'mantra' means to be free from the mind.

So with a mantra we can free our mind to experience our consciousness and our consciousness can then in turn experience the sound hidden in the mantra, which is a vibration, an energy of a cosmic order.

The traditions say that if you know the name of something you can gain mastery over it. This would be the inner name. Knowing its vibration, its sound we can identify with it and therefore with our consciousness being aware of the identification we can know its inner qualities.

End (3549).

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