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Thursday 23 April 2020

Whipped to Change - (3556)

The masters and the Divine Mother for that matter, are not always all beauty and sweetness. They have a harsh side. Of course what is unwavering in whatever side they manifest, is their love. At times the love is sweet and at times it is as harsh and fierce as a barbed whip. 

We can appreciate that if it is not harsh the lesson would not penetrate and no positive change would be made. Of course to receive such a harsh whip one must be mature and know how best to take it. The best way is always to take it as an impetus to change. This is how the best can come to us. 

It serves no point to take it wrongly. The Divine Mother knows which side is best for us and when and how to deliver the lessons that we need to learn. She is a friend of our karma because the justice in karma cleans the essence, brings valuable lessons that clean and transform it. 

So have you ever seen a person being whipped (psychologically) so to change? We find it hard to stand right? Sometimes we can take it ourselves but seeing another is more difficult. To defend to interfere is not so good, it is best to let justice do its job which is to clean and transform a part of the person's essence.

It is hard, we think we are not being loyal or loving or protective of the other. Well when things are unjust it is right to say so in defense of the other. It is good to be vigilant to make sure that the movement to correct an injustice does not become another injustice. But at the same it is more consciously loving to see that the person receive that lesson and in receiving that lesson that person never fall into that error again, and with that lesson help many others to avoid that error. 

End (3556).

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