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Wednesday 22 April 2020

Ray of Liberation - (3550)


It's an interesting thing that there is a ray of liberation. Could it be that the Absolute knew that a ray of liberation would be necessary in creation? So, if the Absolute knew that it will be necessary, it knew that in creation there will be some kind of trappings or chains of enslavement.

The Hindu yogis say that the Divine Mother is the one that binds and liberates. The essences who descend into creation are bound to creation to fulfill the role of animating the creation of the Cosmic Mother, yet it is her that also awards freedom from it.

One condition of liberation is to liberate oneself first, or either to liberate oneself enough to be able fight for the liberation of others and in the process attain one's liberation as well as the liberation of others.

What purpose would the ray of liberation serve if it was only for a single person? If there is a ray in creation it is there to serve others. Service to others is in every ray. We can only really be judged in the end by how well we served and loved others through our ray. C'mon tell me, if for example you are the ray of love and you never shared your love or gave your love to help anyone, and that is where your special abilities and talents lie, then how could you have you really served and helped others? Yes yes with other minor things, but not with the core of you with the most powerful part of you.


There is liberation on many different levels. On the physical, as did the many liberators of the past, liberating entire peoples from their oppressors, on the mental and emotional, on the will and on the spiritual. The spiritual liberation conquers all the others. Master Samael is a spiritual liberator and all those working under him.

It would make sense that Monads of the ray of liberation would be drawn to where there is oppression. In this case planets such as the Earth would be their natural calling.

There have to be many in the world that belong to this ray. Who seek in their specific areas of life or expertise to liberate people from some level of conditioning.

Even a doctor is a liberator, a doctor liberates one from illness.

Master Samael said that Simon Bolivar belonged to the ray of liberation. He mentioned that such bodhisattvas of the ray of liberation have a special power of the causal atoms that give them an immense will. Will is needed for liberation more than anything else. It is the power that breaks through the obstacles. Simon Bolivar liberated large parts of South America from the oppressive rule of the Spanish conquistadors.

Law of

The ray of liberation logically and naturally collaborates with many other rays. Of course force, of course love, of course wisdom, of course death and of course Law.

Liberation without Law is not liberation. There is in fact in existence a Law of Liberation. Where the Law dons the gift of liberation. Similar in a way to how the gladiator Spartacus won his liberation from the enslavement for years within the gladiator's ring. 

In Gnosis, any Monad of the ray of liberation, I imagine would seek out the third factor, as it is the most obvious and unique stage where the mission of liberation can be fulfilled. 

The more liberation one gives the more liberation one receives. The law of reciprocity supports the law of liberation.

A superior law washes away an inferior law is in some way liberation. Liberation as a principle is conquering the karmic weight of the inferior to by will and love of the superior break into the life of the superior. Liberation is not to ever go from better to worse.


Every ray has its antithesis. The ray of liberation may well be related to Jupiter. As Jupiter has to do with powers, authorities, delegations etc. The opposite of liberation is of course tyranny. Where naturally things go from good to worse. A country run by a Tyrant is usually a miserable country with a poor economy with many normal and natural freedoms denied.

Anyway to conclude, if someone asked me would you like to belong to the ray of liberation I would say: "next time when I'm stronger" because imagine those guys of the ray of liberation, the Monad in them by the very fibres of their inner nature will push their vehicle to move towards liberation and to fight for the liberation of others, but yet who is going to shoulder the karmic burden of paying for the liberation of others. Exactly - those very same Monads that belong to the ray of liberation. So it is not an easy ray to belong to, if one does indeed take up the fight of the liberation of others. 

The ray of liberation works with laws that override other laws. In other words, it works with superior or higher laws that are closer to teh Absolute. Making the Sun and Jupiter to be the most fitting planets to be aligned with as are they are the planets of soverignity, whom have the soverign power to override inferior laws.

End (3550).

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