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Friday 8 May 2020

Analysis, Intuition and Synthesis - (5254)

You know what? Don't use analysis and intuition at the same time. If you try you will understand why. 

This is what happens: you get totally confused, one eats away at the other leaving you with nothing, nada! That something actually turns into a headache.

The wise thing to do is to select the right tool for the job and follow the process of that tool's workings. If it be intuition follow the guidance of intuition and compliment it with a touch of analysis once intuition has taken its course.

Analysis and synthesis are like opposites. One is to break down or deconstruct and the other is to bring together or construct.

Analysis is to break something apart into smaller pieces. It is a useful method to dissolve illusions and pries apart the various concepts of any "I" making it useful for mystical death. It leans on the side of death.

Synthesis combines many different elements together to produce a whole. It is a generative process. It is a life forming process. The overarching process taking place in the womb of any mother is the process of synthesis, which culminates in the formation of a child.

These three instruments have their orbit and are useful when applied to the right job. Just as every tool has a use. If a tradie has the right tools for the job, he/she can do the job well. Wrong tools, and the job gets botched. 

End (5254).

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