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Saturday 9 May 2020

What's the Background Dimension? - (3583)

It is something that we actually create when we start to work on ourselves.

Many of us have done it already, we just may not be fully aware that we have created it and are operating from it.

To be conscious Master Samael says, implies that we do indeed divide our attention. He is basically saying that to be conscious requires some division, where we have a part of our attention on what we are doing and some part on knowing that we are watching ourselves. 

To be conscious we need to have more then one dimension to move our consciousness into and from there we can view ourselves, just like in the above paragraph, where we divide our attention.

As soon as we learn about there being a different way to life, and that we can operate life differently for very good and special reasons we are creating a new dimension within ourselves. When we introduce our will into that dimension, as well as many teachings and reasons i.e understanding and we shift our consciousness into that dimension we are operating from that dimension and we are occupying that dimension.

It is just another way of saying that we need to be conscious and know that we are being conscious and enrich that with resolution, mysticism, yearning etc. That background dimension could also be said to be what Master Samael calls the fourth man or the inner psychological man that we create within ourselves from all the times that we endevour to be conscious and work on ourselves.

End (3583).

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