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Wednesday 13 May 2020

Change Polarity to 'Giving' - Ego is 'Undoing' - (3589)

A rather potent drowsiness this afternoon... Hope what I write makes sense, my logic is a bit fuzzy. 

The many egos that we have are polarised in one direction more than any other direction. 

There are only really two directions for the ego. Lunar and solar. Good old duality again.

Because the ego is lunar in nature it is polarised in the way of receiving. Because the lunar nature is just that, it is not a radiator or generator, it is a reflector and it is cold and lacking life. Very much the opposite of the sun.

We know well how self-love is all about receiving love don't we. It gives not to give, but to receive. It is all geared up just to receive. This is all because it can't love the essence or the Being within. Once we  have love inside for our inner Being, we can then love others. As m.m.m says we can't give what we don't have.

Anyhow what I want to get at in this post is that lust is like that too. It is a massive receiver. If it gives it is to receive. A person may find another attractive, alright alright, that is not lust yet, that is a certain recognition. Though as soon as it extends past this point and words enter our mind about that person then complications enter. Lust is one of these complications. 

Lust certainly enters when there is an expectation of being liked back. Wanting the other to like us as we like them. Lust wants others to like us in the attractive sexual sense etc. 

Imagine if we just recognise that the person is attractive and then not begin any movement from within and not change anything.

Anyhow if we like another but are not expecting that like back we don't have any one of these egos of self-love or lust hanging around in our psychology. 

End (3589).

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